what is it?
The Block Platform Prototype is a platforming game test where we made the base of a platforming game with a base setup of components. The player : this is what the player controls it’s a blue square. The finish goal : when the player reaches this they win. walls : the player sticks to walls and can wall jump up them. collectables : the player can collect points and start although no real functionality behind them has been added. Spikes : these are obstacles that when touched will kill the player. Timer : this logs how much time has been taken to beat a level. With only a few components we can setup the base for a level based game
why we did it?
As we were previously Static Games LTD we are used to developing and working with a variety of games. Naturally we thought it may be useful to experiment and create game bases that could be useful in the future.
An example would be platforming games, if someone approaches us with a limited budget and a concept for a platforming game, we will not only have a game we can demonstrate and show on mobile. But we will also have a base that we could potentially used to setup their game. This can save the clients time and cheapen development costs allowing us to work with clients that have a smaller budget.