what is it?
Sorcery 7 is a Mega man-esque game prototype demonstrating all the functionality of a game that we wanted to pitch to the UKGF, It was built for both pc and mobile with a focus on developing intuitive controls for mobile.
why we did it?
The UKGF (United Kingdom Games Fund) had opened up a round of funding, so we wanted to see if we could quality to develop a game we would like to make.
For this we decided on developing a megaman-esque game game where you dash through levels jumping off walls and killing enemies, with each level containing two bosses, the mini-boss and end level boss.
the tools we used
Mobile and Pc Controls
Using Unity we developed scripts and input controls that could control how the player moves in the game, There are three elements to this control system:
The Input : This is where the player indicates that a control is wanted, for example the UI might have a button that makes the player jump when pressed, the input calls an even in the event manager.
The event manager : This controls the events for the controls and can be called by inputs made, such as movement data from a virtual joystick, to button presses to jump. Once an input event is called anything listening to it will respond.
The player : This is the event manager listener, it waits for the event manager to send an event such as “jump triggered” and responds based on the event
Using this method I can easily customize the data and as each component is separate I can easily update and customize where needed.
Level Editing and Creation
For this project we looked into Unity sprite shapes, and segmented the level areas for independent design. this way I can have less objects to be processed while retaining level quality. Enemies are placed into their respective areas and the mini-boss has a death event that removes a doorway when killed.
Spike areas can be treated in a similar way, for a strip of spikes I can use one tiling sprite with a collision, as opposed to multiple separate entities.